Saturday, March 23, 2019

A Christian who struggles with things like depression among other things

Well guys! Like I say, I'm a christian and I'm proud to be one. God is the one I lean on when I'm confused, angry, sad, depressed, and other things. Like many christian men out there, I struggle with sin. It's a struggle for me because I try to be perfect because scripture says "be perfect as our Father is perfect" but at the same time though it says in Romans "all have sinned, and fallen short of God's glory". Notice how it says "all". That means believers and non-believers alike. Does that mean that sin is an excuse? heck no! I struggle with sin daily not because I want to struggle with it, but because Satan attacks my mind with things that lure me from what God wants me to do. I know I that after I sin, I feel ashamed for doing it. I don't know if its God making me feel bad? I wouldn't be surprised. But I have been struggling with depression the past few years lately. Just some personal stuff with me. I have been abused as teenager by a step-father that I no longer have. Been ridiculed by a totally different step-father that I no longer have. I just feel blessed to know that I've been through that and that I can tell people of my experience and that it could help somebody out there. One of the things that has arisen from my struggle with depression is anger and my sleep. 

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